I have to devote a whole blog to Layla. It came out in 1970 but I did not start listening to it obsessively until 1972. It means so much to me musically, and sentimentally, due to Duane Allman's ethereal presence.
It also foreshadowes my move to Macon, Georgia later in 1978.
The album has tones and echos of the South- stories and romace and unrequited love. The cover art is beautiful. Every song is a gem, and it was such a collaboration!
Layla itself is a blend of styles that are seamlessly joined like a luxurious garment- it wraps itself around you and holds you in a special place that is timeless. Just listen to it again- it has no trendiness at all.
Lucky for us in 2009 there is a young musician who has inheirited this quality of musical presence. His name is Derek Trucks.
Bell Bottom Blues, don't fade away....
Hey it me..Dave Levy. Been following your blog. You have the ability to put into words, what I can only vision in my mind. And we have so much in common. Anyhow, in 1970 - 1971, I was living in Warner Robins, and hanging out in Macon. Bunch of friends attended Mercer and Wesleyan, an all girls college. Loved the Allman Brothers. A girl I knew lived in Macon up the street from their producer at the time, a guy named Phil Walden. We all got promo copies of Live at the Filmore East. My favorite song is In Memory of Elizebeth Reed. Saw the Allman Brothers at the Byron (Atlanta actually, but those of us that lived close by called in the Byron Pop Festivle)Pop Festivle in 1971 and at the Macon Collesium probably the same year. In 1972 I was in Thailand and when I wasn't working or smoking Thai dope, me and this guy Vic would go to the Officers Club and shoot pool and play Layla on the jukebox over and over and over. All the time we were shooting pool, half hour, hour, whatever. We just keep putting money in the jukebox and playing it. It drove the other people in the pool room part of the bar crazy. Re Duane Allman, I was coming back from Atlanta after hanging around the park by Peachree Street(Peachree Park) where I had bought some acid. I still remember driving back to Macon/Warner Robins feeling oh so high, when I heard on the radio (an AM station of course) that Dyane Allman was just killed in a motorcycle crash. He was the best slide guitaritst in the world. And how is this for a coincidence, just yesterday my wife and I spend the day at Hot August Blues here in Maryland, a 10 hour blues festivle, and guess who the closing band was, The Derek Trucks Bank. I told my wife that he is probably the son of Butchie Trucks of the Allman Bros. Also, just saw Dickie Betts a couple of times just recently at a small club in Anaylpolis. He played In Memory of Elizebeth Reed and I got goose bumps listening. See ya. Keeping writing!!!! Aloha, David P.S. I just now saw your 2 comments on my blog. Maybe that will motivate me to write more.